Buffalo Sauce (mild)

For some reason this turned out very sweet and buttery, so this is my version of a Buffalo Sauce. Might be that the brown sugar made it like this. Personally I think it's a great little sauce.

Makes one and a bit  Kilner 200ml Handled Clip top bottles full. (about 250ml)


2 tbsp Veg oil
90g Pearls (Biquinho or Roquito) Chillies
1 Small Onion (66g)
2 Garlic Cloves (12g)
3 small vine plumb tomatoes
75ml Vinegar (Home-made Pineapple)
1 tbsp Soft Brown Sugar
Large pinch of sea salt.


1) Blitz chillies, onion, garlic and salt in a food processor.
2) Fry mixture in olive oil for around 5 minutes with the sugar.
3) Blitz the tomatoes and add to the pan, and add the vinegar.
4) Simmer for 5 minutes
5) Liquidize till very smooth, return to the pan and simmer again for 2 minutes
6) Bottle and enjoy


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